
Established in 1926 as the first institution of higher education in the Rio Grande Valley, 德州西南学院代表了该地区无限的潜力. 现在我们已经为社区服务将近100年了, 学生们的许多成就, 教师, 和全体员工是校董会致力工作的证明, 社区支持者, 以及整个天蝎家族.

Strong advocacy from local leaders led to establishment of the Junior College of the Lower Rio Grande Valley, which began as an extension of the local independent school district in Brownsville, 德州. Classes launched in the fall of 1926 in the local high school building with an enrollment of 84 students and a roster of seven 教师. 第二年, the school district issued bonds for the construction of a new building to house the high school and the junior college.


成立三年后, 董事会一致投票决定申请区域认证, TSC成为德克萨斯州第一所获得认证的社区学院. Maintaining accreditation for almost 100 years confirms that TSC students are receiving a high-quality, well-rounded education and earning credits that can be transferred to any university in 德州.


虽然它对中国博彩平台提供高质量教育的承诺始终如一, 学院的名字后来演变了好几次. 1939年,该学院更名为布朗斯维尔初级学院. 十年后, a renaming contest was held as the college district was becoming an independent entity from the school district. Seferino Rodriguez, a student, won $25 for submitting the winning name of 德州最南学院.


At the same time, the name of the college was changing, and so was the location of the college. 这在20世纪初很常见, 这所学院最初是作为学区的延伸而建立的. Early TSC students attended classes in the school district building on Palm Boulevard. When GIs returned home from World War II, and enrollment began to grow, 一个新家 was sought. 1944年联邦政府关闭布朗堡之后, 布朗斯维尔市, 布朗斯维尔独立学区, 战争管理局, 以及当时的国会议员林登. Johnson negotiated the acquisition of the former Fort Brown military outpost as the new home of the college.

在20世纪40年代末短短几年的时间里, 学院有了一个新名字, 一个新家, 以及一个独立的税收实体,以确保其未来的生存能力.


而最初建立作为一个学术项目机构, 二战后和整个20世纪50年代, 学院扩大了职业和职业课程. In 1973, 德州最南学院 also became home to a local four-year extension program through Pan American University. The new entity, Pan American University-Brownsville, began classes in fall 1973. 在80年代末, Pan American University joined The University of 德州 System and its presence in Brownsville became known as The University of 德州 Pan American-Brownsville. A new phase of construction was begun in 1986 when voters of the TSC taxing district approved a $13 million bond issue to improve campus infrastructure, 修复历史建筑, 建设教室建筑, 扩展图书馆.

1991年5月, the 德州 Legislature created The University of 德州 at Brownsville (UTB) as an upper-division university, 取代德克萨斯大学布朗斯维尔分校, and authorized it to enter into a partnership with 德州最南学院 to create an open door institution of higher education, providing pathways for students to progress from certificates of completion to graduate degrees. This resulted in the creation of a new umbrella entity for the two institutions, 德克萨斯大学布朗斯维尔分校和德克萨斯西南学院(UTB/TSC).

1995年12月, The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) approved the consolidation of UTB and TSC to form the new entity, 德克萨斯大学布朗斯维尔分校和德克萨斯西南学院, 于2008年12月获确认重新获得认可. UTB/TSC受益于国家投资, 比如学费收入债券来资助增长, 还有当地的投资, 其中包括2004年耗资6800万美元的债券选举, which funded a wide variety of capital projects such as new classroom buildings, 第二个图书馆, 一个最先进的儿童早期学习中心, 和表演艺术中心.


2011 rang in a new era in the Lower Rio Grande Valley’s higher education ecosystem. TSC Trustees made the courageous decision to vote for re-establishing 德州最南学院 as an independent comprehensive community college. They believed the community would benefit greatly from reclaiming the community college identity, 为学生中国博彩平台提供知识, 攀爬经济阶梯所需的技能和支持.

重新启动TSC作为独立的高等教育机构, the Trustees and administration needed to rapidly accomplish a wide array of tasks in a very short period of time. 其中包括亚洲博彩平台排名中国博彩平台通过州立法, 为认证奠定基础, 建立制度政策, 还有更多. The Trustees persevered because they had a clear vision for how the new TSC would positively impact the community.

82年nd 德州 Legislature authorized the re-establishment of TSC and UTB as independent institutions of higher education. TSC became independently operational in fall 2013 and earned separate accreditation from SACSCOC in December 2015. 那个秋天, 德州最南学院 was selected as a Bright Spot by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.

德州西南学院庆祝了它的95年校庆th 从2021年10月开始为期一年的庆祝活动. In just a decade since the historic vote was made to re-establish itself as an independent comprehensive community college, TSC现在中国博彩平台提供大约9个,8000名学生在8个学术转学项目, 40个劳动力学位和认证项目, 以及13个劳动力培训项目. The largest 项目 include general studies, criminal justice, business, social work, and education.

The 德州最南学院 校董会 contracted with The University of 德州 System to deliver all of TSC’s academic 项目 和服务, 利用TSC现有的校园和设施. 反过来, TSC would pay UTB for delivery of 项目 和服务 by transferring all TSC-related tuition, 费用, 项目收入, 以及州拨款给犹他大学. UTB作为运营实体, 并订立了若干协议来管理TSC建筑物的租赁, 人员, 项目, 和服务.


  • Lowered tuition twice since 2013 to become the most affordable institution of higher education in the Rio Grande Valley
  • 3年毕业率比德州平均水平高出3年.4%
  • Lowered the tax rate twice since 2021, providing taxpayers with an excellent return on investment
  • 为学生免费中国博彩平台提供双学分课程, 自2017年以来,为家庭节省了4000万美元的学杂费
  • Supported the academic and workforce development 项目 by investing $25 million in capital investments over the past five years

95年多来,亚洲博彩平台排名中国博彩平台通过创新的技术进步, 人口快速增长, 战时, economic depressions and periods of economic boom—德州最南学院 has been steadfast in meeting the evolving needs of the communities it serves, 代表着通往持续繁荣的最可靠途径.
